We've had a fun Christmas so far (pictures to follow eventually). Our families are fabulously generous, and we've loved spending time with Aunt Brandi and her family and my friend Kenzie. However, our break has not been without some humorous complications. Here are some of the highlights.
As soon as we got out of school, we hit the road for Wichita. The trip was uneventful, until I missed the turn for Towne East. As I was flipping around, I heard a sound from the back seat...Emilia puking all over her car seat and coat. We cleaned up the car seat as best we could, but it smelled like puke the rest of the trip (and made her smell like puke every time she sat in it). We had to buy Emilia a new coat, too. Luckily I found a cute and reasonably-priced one at Dillards, which Emilia fell in love with and refused to remove. And the car seat cover probably needed to washed anyway.
On the way home from Wichita, Emilia fell asleep before we were even out of town. She slept all the way to Montezuma, which was fabulous. But Ella needed a bathroom stop in Greensburg. So I dropped Ella and Ryan off at the convenience store and then drove around town to keep Emilia asleep. (By the way, there are some incredible new homes in Greensburg, and some incredibly huge potholes. Not so great when you're trying to keep a baby asleep.) Luckily Emilia stayed asleep. I picked Ryan and Ella back up, and I thought I gave Ella plenty of time to get herself arranged. But I had forgotten what a slowpoke she can be. I started to pull out of the parking lot, only to realize that not only had Ella not gotten herself buckled in, she hadn't even closed the car door. I know, I know, I should have looked, but I didn't. So Ella tried to reach for the door to close it, and her unbuckled booster seat began to tip. I slammed on the brakes and narrowly averted a parking lot spill. Good times.
Monday we went to Rolla for Chandler's birthday party, and Tuesday Trena took family pictures of the Burrows clan. It went remarkably well for us being such a huge group, and included some strange combinations of children posing together....Ella and Preston together; Ella, Preston, Ashton, and Anya together; and so on. There are many camera hogs in our family. I'll post a link when Trena gets them uploaded.
We had planned to go over to Rolla on Christmas Eve, but all the meteorologists were forecasting blizzard conditions with eight inches of snow, so we wound up going over a day early. We packed up the girls' snowsuits and prepared to be snowed in. My parents, who had planned on joining us in Rolla for Christmas, stayed home. And we got absolutely no snow. None at all. Nada. Zip. Zero.
Before we left for Rolla, I ran Emilia to the clinic because her snotty nose just wasn't clearing up. They put her on an antibiotic, which cleared up the snotty nose immediately, but also led to tremendous diarrhea and many ruined pairs of tights. And a path of stains on the family room carpet. And diaper rash.
On the Tuesday after Christmas, we went to Garden City with Brandi and the girls and Kenzie. Ella had a dentist appointment, and we did some shopping. The good news: Ella didn't have any cavities, and the dentist said she was doing a good job keeping her teeth clean. The bad news: she left her new purse (which held her new Nintendo DS and her digital camera) at the dentist's office. Had we known she had her DS and camera in the bag, it wouldn't have left the car, but we didn't know. That's how things go. We didn't realize the purse was missing until we got home that evening, and it was too late to call all the places we'd been and track it down. Luckily the dental hygienist had found the purse and was holding it for us. So Ryan made a flying trip back to Garden the next day to pick it up.
While we were Garden, we also went to Sam's Club for diapers and wipes. I found some sheepskin boots and was trying to sort through the mess of sizes when Ryan called from the front of the store, ready to check out. So I gave up on finding my size and took the girls to the snack bar while Ryan checked out. I didn't realize I had set an empty box of boots on the top of the cart while I was sorting through all the boots, and Ryan didn't realize the box was empty, he just thought I was buying a pair of boots, so we paid $34 for an empty box. Luckily we were able to return the box and get our money back, on yet another trip to Garden.
It's always interesting with us. Everything has turned out all right, but I think we'll be ready to return to some semblance of normalcy when this break is over.
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Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
To my brunch-planning friends
Smitten Kitchen has advice on how to host a brunch (and still sleep in). I'll be making the boozy baked french toast, I believe.
Today's reading assignment
Sellabit Mom has written a hilarious letter to her five-month-old daughter. Go read.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Butterscotch sauce
I made this yummy sauce the other night--easy and delicious. It would be good on ice cream, but I pretty much ate it straight: first warm out of the saucepan, and then the next day, cold from the fridge. It reminds me of salted caramel, which is one of my obsessions.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Santa Visit
Santa visited the Community Building this morning. Ella concluded that he was another fake Santa, but she doesn't seem to know who he was. Emilia sat with Ella to visit with Santa, but she didn't want to sit by herself. No surprise there. Once she discovered Santa's bowl of candy canes, she was willing to get close, though.
We've had a little trouble with Ella's Christmas wish list. The first time she saw Santa in Hays, she asked for a Nintendo DS, so Santa's elves got right on that. Last week, she brought home a letter to Santa she had written in school asking for a Wii and a TV in her room. This kind of annoyed me because I had tried to talk her into a Wii earlier (because I want one), and she'd turned her nose up at the idea. And the elves had already taken care of the DS. (Santa's elves like Amazon.) So we had a talk about how Santa won't bring presents that parents don't approve of (because we're just not TV in the bedroom people). Then the other night, she started talking asking for a Loving Family Grand Dollhouse, so we had a talk about how Santa's elves might have already started processing her first request. It must have worked because she told her friend Addison that you only have one chance with Santa. He gets you the first thing you ask for, and you can't change your mind. And she asked Santa for the Nintendo DS today. (Except today she said DSi...Santa's elves are hoping she doesn't really know the difference between DS and DSi. The elves sure don't, except that the DS is about $40 cheaper. And the DS is already wrapped.)
If you want to see more pictures from the Santa visit, I have a bunch posted on Facebook.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Emilia's Hat

When I bought this hat in Guymon at the craft fair, I didn't think Emilia would really wear it. It matches her coat perfectly, and it was so stinkin' cute I just had to have it, but I really figured Emilia would refuse to wear it. How wrong I was. She loves this hat. She refuses to take this hat off. She brings me this hat and wants me to put it on her if she's not wearing it. She even wants to sleep with it sometimes. That's our stylin' baby.
Dancing Baby
Let me apologize for the quality of this video--I have absolutely no idea how to edit videos, so it's sideways, and there's several seconds of Emilia just standing there. And there's some crazy camera work going on. But if you bear with me and watch, you can see Emilia's fabulous dance moves. And Ryan's if you watch carefully. Enjoy!
Winter Weather
Well, we never made it to Ella's second performance of the Nutcracker. It started getting icy, and Ella was tired, so we just stayed home. There were several accidents in the area, so I think we made the right decision.
Ava came over last night, and she and Ella played in the snow. There wasn't a lot of snow, but they got bundled up in snow suits and (45 minutes later), they headed outside. First they jumped on the trampoline. Emilia and I watched out the window for a little while, but it made Emilia mad (she wishes she were one of the big girls) and they way they were sliding around scared the pants off of me, so we just pretended we didn't know what they were doing. Ignorance is bliss, right? They played in the deeper snow in the ally until our neighbor's dog scared them. Then they went Christmas caroling around the neighborhood, carrying camping lanterns to light the way. Here they are warming up afterward with hot vanilla soymilk and chili.

And here's a picture of ornery Emilia enjoying her supper.
Ava came over last night, and she and Ella played in the snow. There wasn't a lot of snow, but they got bundled up in snow suits and (45 minutes later), they headed outside. First they jumped on the trampoline. Emilia and I watched out the window for a little while, but it made Emilia mad (she wishes she were one of the big girls) and they way they were sliding around scared the pants off of me, so we just pretended we didn't know what they were doing. Ignorance is bliss, right? They played in the deeper snow in the ally until our neighbor's dog scared them. Then they went Christmas caroling around the neighborhood, carrying camping lanterns to light the way. Here they are warming up afterward with hot vanilla soymilk and chili.
And here's a picture of ornery Emilia enjoying her supper.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The Nutcracker
Ella's first performance of The Nutcracker was last night. She was super nervous (like complete and total melt-down nervous), but she did a great job. She and Dettra Crawford's daughter Kynna were the little enforcers--they kept shushing the other girls. When their scene was over, the line leader who was supposed to lead them off stage just didn't go, and so the whole group stayed on stage. So Mrs. G cued them again, and they all danced to the other side of the stage, but still didn't leave. So then the girl playing Clara got up and tried to usher them out, which still didn't work. Finally, Clara got them convinced it was time to leave, and they all left. Finally. It was pretty cute.
Ashton and Preston came over with Grandma and Grandpa, and they did a good job sitting still and watching the show. Preston made a list of the dancers he thought were cute. He also teased Ella by calling her "Curly," which makes her mad, but she secretly likes.
I was really proud of Ella. She did a good job dancing, and she is by far one of the best behaved little girls. Some of those girls are wild!
We have another performance this afternoon. I hope Ella has all the jitters worked out!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Pioneer Woman Cookbook and T-Shirt Giveaway
The Provident Woman is hosting a giveaway for a signed Pioneer Woman cookbook and a T-shirt!
Black Friday
Emilia plots out her Black Friday plan of attack.
Until this year, I've left the early-morning Black Friday madness to Ryan and his family. We've been in Satanta or Rolla for the past few Thanksgivings, which means to really get the Black Friday deals, you don't have to just get up early--you have to get up ungodly bat-poop crazy early. And since I hate crowds and I hate Wal-Mart, it seemed best just to send Ryan out while I stayed home with kiddos.
But this year we were in Hays, and there was a certain item (which shall remain nameless because Ella does occasionally read this blog) that was on sale at Wal-Mart. So I drug myself out of bed and arrived at Wally at 4:45. Driving out to Wal-Mart was a truly bazaar experience, like something out of a science fiction movie. Car after car after car, all headed to one location: the Wal-Mart parking lot. It was like a pilgrimage to Mecca. I was lucky enough to find a spot in the parking lot, but most people were parking on the gravel and grass beyond the actual lot.
I planned to get a cart, but all of the carts were gone by the time I made it in the door. This was, however, serendipitous, because it allowed me to move much more freely through the crowded aisles.
I made my way back to electronics and found an enormous swarm of people. "What's this crowd for?" I asked a girl in the crowd.
She told me, and by some chance, she also knew where the item I was looking for was located. So I made my way over to the paint counter to get in line. But there was no line. I finally found a Wal-Mart worker to ask.
"Oh, those? We sold out of them a long time ago."
Nice. I wondered why people were in line with cartloads of stuff waiting to check out when I walked in the store 15 minutes before the sale technically started. Maybe that helped avoid mob chaos and tramplings and whatnot, and I probably still wouldn't gave gotten what I wanted, but I was still seriously annoyed. So I turned and walked out of the store (okay, maneuvered my way through crowds of overflowing shopping carts and shoppers in pajamas). So I guess it didn't really matter whether or not I got a shopping cart since I didn't even buy anything. An article in the newspaper that evening quoted people who had gotten in line for laptops at midnight. Sorry. I'm not willing to do that to save $30. My sleep is worth more than that.
Luckily, The Mall was open. I shopped at JC Penney's, which had opened at 4, until the other stores opened at 6. I found some pretty good deals, and best of all, was able to shop without two munchkins harassing me. That was the best part of all. That and the fact that after I left The Mall, the Starbucks at Gutierrez's opened just as I pulled in the parking lot. I really needed that late.
My Black Friday shopping experience wasn't that bad. But I'm never stepping foot in Wal-Mart on Black Friday again.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Popcorn Love
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