Santa visited the Community Building this morning. Ella concluded that he was another fake Santa, but she doesn't seem to know who he was. Emilia sat with Ella to visit with Santa, but she didn't want to sit by herself. No surprise there. Once she discovered Santa's bowl of candy canes, she was willing to get close, though.
We've had a little trouble with Ella's Christmas wish list. The first time she saw Santa in Hays, she asked for a Nintendo DS, so Santa's elves got right on that. Last week, she brought home a letter to Santa she had written in school asking for a Wii and a TV in her room. This kind of annoyed me because I had tried to talk her into a Wii earlier (because I want one), and she'd turned her nose up at the idea. And the elves had already taken care of the DS. (Santa's elves like Amazon.) So we had a talk about how Santa won't bring presents that parents don't approve of (because we're just not TV in the bedroom people). Then the other night, she started talking asking for a Loving Family Grand Dollhouse, so we had a talk about how Santa's elves might have already started processing her first request. It must have worked because she told her friend Addison that you only have one chance with Santa. He gets you the first thing you ask for, and you can't change your mind. And she asked Santa for the Nintendo DS today. (Except today she said DSi...Santa's elves are hoping she doesn't really know the difference between DS and DSi. The elves sure don't, except that the DS is about $40 cheaper. And the DS is already wrapped.)
If you want to see more pictures from the Santa visit, I have a bunch posted on Facebook.
LOL - Great story. Santa brought a Wii to our house this year (he delivers ours early because we're old). It's pretty fun, though I will admit to spending way too many hours playing it instead of doing more productive things. It actually keeps track of how long you've played each game each day... not good.