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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The World According to Me

My Theories

1. Everything is better with a little red wine.

Obviously spaghetti sauce. And the cook. But I learned this week that black bean chili and veggie sloppy joes also benefit from a slosh of vino.

2. The right jeans are more professional than khakis.

I have a drawer full of khakis. I am a teacher, after all, and I think you have to prove that you have a drawer full of khakis to keep your license. But I don't really like to wear them. I don't think they are any dressier or more professional than nice jeans. I don't understand why I can wear khakis any day of the week but jeans only on Friday.

Yesterday, we were supposed to get a snowpocalypse (which never materialized--Dave Freeman is an idiot), and it was flipping cold! So I wore khakis, a sweater, and boots. And I felt like a schlump all day. I would have looked far more professional in dark denim.

3. Three points seem more complete than two.

This post seemed incomplete until I added this third point. Even though it is essentially meaningless, it adds a sense of completeness to an otherwise incomplete post.



  1. 100% agree with the wine point. I would LOVE to go back to having a glass with dinner every night but save my addiction for the weekend.

    The third point always drives everything home. :)

  2. haha great post! i"m going to start drinking it at 5pm every night until my husband gets home, ha!
