We're at home today because of snow. Yay! It started snowing yesterday afternoon about 2:30. When we got home from school, Ella immediately bundled up and headed outside. Poor Emilia wanted to go out, too. Here she trying to open the back door herself.

I finally relented and decided she could play outside. She didn't enjoy getting bundled up.

But playing outside was another matter.

(The bowl in the background was Ella and Alex's attempt to collect snow for
snow ice cream. But collecting snow for snow ice cream requires patience, and little girls don't have much patience. They kept scooping snow off the ground, the trampoline, and the picnic table and bringing the bowl inside...and we kept sending them back outside because I refuse to make snow ice cream with dirty snow.)
Emilia didn't want to come inside.

Her cheeks turned bright red, but she loved it. Guess she's a snow baby!
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