Ella continues to love AR reading at school. She got her Ready Reader certificate this week, which means she's earned 5 points. We told her she could have a party when she got 10 points. She has 6.9 points now, so she'll probably be there pretty soon. I think her party ideas might be a little grander than ours....we'll see. The only problem Ella has with AR is that she's so obsessed with getting points, she doesn't want to read anything that's not an AR book. And I think she might have a tendency to read a little too quickly just so she can take another test.
Her class did a reader's theater version of Tacky the Penguin on Friday, so the kids dressed up for Wacky Tacky Friday. Here's Ella in her wacky tacky getup. I had to talk her down from going really wacky. At first, she wanted to wear shoes on her hands. I got her talked out of that, we picked out an outfit, and then she announced she wasn't dressing up at all. I came up with a back-up plan of her just taking her tie-dye dress in her backpack to put on if she changed her mind, but then she decided to dress up after all.
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