Emilia has added to her coat and hat obsessions...she is now obsessed with her snowsuit and boots. We bought her some new boots yesterday because she outgrew her first pair. I put them on her in the store to make sure they fit and that she could walk in them, and she refused to take them off. Good thing they were on sale because we had no choice but to buy them.
We got home and she refused to take them off. At bedtime she refused to take them off. She slept in her nightgown and boots. We had to iron a different dress for her to wear to church this morning so she could still wear her boots.
Once she had boots, she also wanted her snowsuit. She wore her snowsuit all afternoon yesterday and wanted to wear it to church this morning.
Here's a picture of her double-fisting it this morning. Milk in one cup, smoothie in the other.
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