Ella, Emilia, and I headed to Hays on Wednesday. On Friday morning, we went to Salina with my parents. Ryan joined us in Salina that afternoon after he finished teaching summer school. We spent Friday and Saturday at the Smoky Hills River Festival, drove back to Hays Saturday afternoon, and came back home Sunday evening. Here are the highlights of our weekend.
The Good
We ate lots of yummy food at Gutierrez's, Gella's, Taco Shop, and Jimmy John's in Hays and Martinelli's and the River Festival in Salina.
Ella and I had fun at Pottery Works, a paint your own pottery studio in Hays. Ella painted a plate and a mug and I glazed a mug.
Ella and I went to the Hays Aquatic Park on Sunday. It was a little cool, but the pool wasn't busy at all, which was wonderful. I can't count how many times we went down the water slides.
Emilia loved the River Festival. She loves being around people.

I got stocked up on products from one of my favorite businesses, Ozark Herbals.
Ella enjoyed watching a puppet show, listening to music, and getting her face painted at the River Festival. She also had fun playing on the playground equipment.

We had fun spending time with Grandma and Grandpa.
The Bad
All of that yummy food was not exactly waistline friendly--falafal, grebble, garlic fries, tempura fried noodles, funnel cake, chocolate covered bananas, caramel apples, and chile con queso are delicious but not particularly healthy.
We saw lots of people smoking with children in tow. We saw a person with an oxygen tank smoking. We saw a trashy mom with visable thong panties and tramp stamp cussing out her two year old at the porta-potties.
Ella threw a fit when she found out she couldn't take her plate and mug home from Pottery Works the day we made them. They have to dry and then be fired, so my mom can't pick them up until Wednesday. This was just one of many temper tantrums Ella had this weekend. You'd think she would have outgrown that sort of thing, but this weekend was filled with Ella melt-downs.
The Augmentin Emilia is on has to be refrigerated and causes diahrea, neither of which is fun while traveling.
My favorite jewelry seller, Art by Amy, wasn't at the River Festival. Luckily, I found her online today.
The Funny
When we got to the River Festival on Friday, we saw a Santa Claus looking man with a long white beard wearing tie-dye overalls. Ella saw him and exclaimed, "Look, Mom. A funny man!"
The next day, we walked by the bench he had been sitting on. Ella said, "Mom, where did the funny man go?"
Ella told Ryan we saw lots of hippies at the River Festival. He asked her if she knew what a hippie was. She replied, "Dad, a hippie is someone with bad fashion."
At Taco Shop, Ella got a Choco Taco. She tried it and said, "I like it.... but it's not really good."

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